20 Questions with GhostExpress of CannaExpress

20 Questions with GhostExpress of CannaExpress

Welcome to Darknet Discussions! Today, we're revisiting an idea I explored in the past: interviewing up-and-coming darknet markets to uncover what they're all about. In this installment, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Ghost Express from the new market CannaExpress. Join us as we delve into the unique features of this emerging platform and what it aims to bring to the community.

1. How long has your market been operational, and what inspired its creation?
CannaExpress has been running for 3 months now, as of this October 20th. Honestly, the inspiration came from being a stoner myself. I used to buy weed on Tor (I personally like to call it the Tor network instead of the darknet) all the time, but after Cannazon retired, it got super hard to find a good place for just cannabis. We had Cannahome and Cannabia come around, but they didn’t last long, and after that, there was a solid 2-year gap where no cannabis-only marketplaces were around.

I’ve always had this little dream of running my own marketplace, but during that gap, a lot changed. Legalization started happening, and it seemed like no one was thinking of starting a dedicated cannabis market anymore. But here’s the thing: real cannabis-loving vendors, the true enthusiasts and farmers, wouldn’t want to sell their weed on markets that mix in dangerous drugs. And when I say this, it’s not to disrespect other vendors. I mean, those real farmers put so much love and care into their product, and they deserve a place where it’s all about cannabis.

Once those cannabis-only markets disappeared and legalization kicked off, the old-school vendors vanished, and buyers had nowhere to turn but local sellers or sketchy multi-drug markets. That’s what pushed me to make this happen. Plus, with all the dangerous drugs like meth and fentanyl out there, it’s scary to think cannabis buyers could be exposed to that every time they shop on those markets. Even just seeing those drugs listed might tempt someone to try them, which is a dangerous road. I don’t want that for our community.

And really, who wouldn’t like to get some Cali Zaza delivered to their doorstep without having to deal with a local vendor or go walking to the local coffeeshop? That’s why we’ve made the checkout process super easy, with a modern UI and UX to keep things smooth and simple for everyone.

2. What steps do you take to ensure the security and anonymity of both buyers and vendors?
We operate entirely within the Tor network, which is designed specifically for anonymity. PGP encryption is mandatory for all vendors. During checkout, any sensitive notes, like delivery addresses, are automatically encrypted with the vendor’s PGP, and the messages are encrypted with the user's password. We also use Monero (XMR) for payments, which is known as the most privacy-focused coin. With all of this in place, everything stays private and protected, making sure both buyers and vendors are secure.

3. How do you verify the authenticity and quality of the cannabis products sold on the market?
Buyers can leave feedback on products after they’ve made a purchase, rating things like quality, communication, and shipping on a 1-5 scale. They can also add comments. Anyone can check out a product’s feedback, see the vendor’s online activity, how much they’ve sold, and their level and experience (XP). We categorize vendors as either trusted or new. If a vendor has been established in the community with good sales on other markets, we verify them as trusted vendors.

4. What measures are in place to protect users from scams or fake listings?
We had a free vendor bond program after our soft launch until September 20th, which brought in about 30+ new vendors. I personally check new listings to make sure they follow our rules and terms, but scammers can still try to make their listings look like legit ones. To prevent that, we have a strict rule: "For new vendors, order tracking is mandatory. We do not provide support for disputes if there is no tracking number. In such cases, we always side with the Buyer." So, scammers can't really play around here; if they try, their account gets banned.

5. How do you handle disputes between buyers and vendors?
When it comes to handling disputes, we first look at the product's terms and conditions. Vendors have their own rules, and we always respect those. If there's a tracking number involved, it makes things easier to resolve. For instance, if the tracking shows the package was seized, we check the vendor's terms regarding that situation before making a judgment, but for new vendors, tracking is mandatory.

We understand that disputes need to be handled carefully, as sometimes buyers might try to raise issues without valid reasons. So, we engage with both parties and gather confirmation from each side to reach a fair resolution.

6. What payment methods do you accept, and how do you ensure the privacy of transactions?
We only accept Monero (XMR) for payments, as it's widely recognized as the most privacy-focused cryptocurrency. XMR is designed specifically for secure and anonymous transactions, which aligns perfectly with our commitment to user privacy. By using Monero, we ensure that both buyers and vendors can transact without worrying about their financial information being exposed. This level of privacy is crucial in our marketplace, where anonymity is a top priority.

7. How do you manage operational risks such as law enforcement or DDoS attacks?
When it comes to law enforcement, I understand they have their job to do, and I don’t have any disrespectful feelings for them. At the end of the day, they’re just following orders.

As for DDoS attacks, they can come from various sources, including law enforcement or other market admins. We’ve got a solid DDoS mitigation system called EndGame, created by Paris from Dread. It’s an open-source system that combines several powerful modules. I want to give a big shoutout to Paris for his help with this system. He’s been super supportive and answered my every question when I needed help.

EndGame is really effective, and my job is to monitor it closely. If I notice a significant increase in DDoS attacks, I’ll just add more EndGame fronts to handle it. Most of the time, EndGame does a great job of reducing DDoS attacks and keeping everything running smoothly.

8. What is your policy on refunds or resolving issues related to lost packages?
When it comes to refunds for lost packages, that really depends on the vendor’s terms and conditions. I always respect those, and I expect buyers to do the same. It’s super important for buyers to check a vendor's stats, feedback, and terms before making a purchase since they’re the ones spending their money. For example, if a vendor has a 50% refund policy in their terms, that’s what applies.

Also, for new vendors, tracking is mandatory. If there’s a dispute, I’ll first check the tracking information and then look at the vendor's terms before making a judgment. It’s all about keeping things fair and transparent for everyone involved.

9. How do you onboard new vendors, and what criteria must they meet?
For new vendors, we currently have a bond fee of $149, which will soon be increasing to $420. We welcome vendors from all over the world, as long as they’re selling cannabis. However, there are some rules they must follow. For instance, tracking is mandatory for all shipments for new vendors. If vendors don’t provide tracking, I have confidence they won’t be shipping domestically without it, as no one wants to lose their hard-earned funds. This way, we can ensure that all cannabis farmers and local dealers can join us while keeping things legit.

Gotta love bud websites

10. What security protocols do you recommend for vendors and buyers to follow to avoid being tracked or compromised?
To stay safe and avoid being tracked, the first thing everyone needs to learn about is OPSEC. There’s tons of info online about it, so it’s super easy to get started. Next up, both buyers and vendors should get familiar with PGP encryption, including how to encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify messages.

When it comes to payments, learning how Monero (XMR) works is essential. Even if you buy XMR with KYC, once it’s in 2 non-KYC wallets, it’s about 99% anonymous, so it's crucial to know how to handle XMR safely.

Using a VPN is also a must. It’s best to choose a VPN provider that doesn’t require email registration, like Mullvad.

We’re actually planning to create some solid OPSEC guides specifically for CannaExpress soon. And for vendors, it’s important to learn about shipping OPSEC too, like stealthing and making discreet packages.

11. How do you handle cases of vendors selling fake or substandard products?
When it comes to handling fake or substandard products, synthetic cannabinoids are a no-go for us anyway. If we catch any vendors selling those, they're getting banned on the spot without further notice. It's tough to make a judgment call just from product images or descriptions. We really rely on buyer feedback and disputes after purchases to verify the quality of what’s being sold.

12. What makes your cannabis market different from other darknet markets?
What sets CannaExpress apart is our commitment to creating a safe and dedicated space for cannabis enthusiasts. Unlike other darknet markets that often mix various substances, we are strictly cannabis-only. This means buyers can explore products without the worry of stumbling upon dangerous drugs.

We prioritize community feedback, allowing buyers to share their experiences with vendors, which ensures quality and trust. We also have clear rules for vendors, including mandatory tracking for new vendors, helping maintain a trustworthy marketplace.

Our modern UI/UX design makes it easy to search for products and understand the purchasing process. With features like easy PGP login, our vendor stores, called VendorExpress, allow buyers to follow their favorite vendors. Each VendorExpress store contains detailed information, including a brief description of the vendor, feedback, trusted badges, online status, and product listings. Soon, we’ll also add historical feedback from Cannazon and CannaHome to our verified vendors.

One key difference is that we don’t have an internal wallet system. Buyers and vendors must use their own wallets for refunds and payments. At CannaExpress, you can purchase a product within minutes, while many other marketplaces require you to deposit into a wallet, wait for confirmations, and then create a purchase, often taking around an hour or more. We make the process seamless; once an order is finalized, the payment is refunded or sent to the appropriate wallet instantly, with the TX ID updated in the invoice for easy confirmation.

Ultimately, we’re not just about transactions; we’re building a community that respects cannabis culture and its users, making it easier for everyone to access safe products without compromising security.

13. What regions does your market primarily serve, and are there any geographic restrictions?
At CannaExpress, there are no geographic restrictions for cannabis sales. We believe that cannabis legalization is spreading everywhere, and our goal is to prioritize domestic vendors. Local dealers and coffee shops can join our marketplace to expand their services.

Who doesn’t want their favorite cannabis delivered right to their doorstep? We know that many cannabis consumers prefer the convenience of home delivery rather than having to walk to a local shop or dealer.

And let’s not forget about California buds, the most flavorful and highest-quality cannabis in the world. Who wouldn't want to enjoy that? Our doors are open for vendors and buyers worldwide, making it easier for everyone to access the best cannabis products without any hassle!

14. What advice would you give to new buyers navigating the darknet for the first time?
When stepping into the so-called dark web, which we technically refer to as the Tor network, here are some of my key pieces of advice for new buyers:

  • Understand the TOR Network: The Tor network is built for privacy and security, designed to protect users. Always use the updated version of the Tor browser to maintain your anonymity.
  • Do Your Own Research: Take your time to learn how the onion or Tor network works. Familiarize yourself with how to access verified links for CannaExpress; currently, you can find our verified links on Dread. We will soon launch a clearnet site that will include all guides and links. Once logged in, explore different vendors and products, and look for reviews and feedback from other buyers to gauge reliability. We’re also working on getting listed on dark web index sites like tor.taxi and dark.fail.
  • Phishing Warning: New users should educate themselves about phishing attacks and how to protect against them. While there are no proven records of being phished within the network, it’s essential to stay informed. Always use verified links to log in to CannaExpress. We plan to add guides about phishing attacks and implement new strategies to mitigate these risks in future updates.
  • Prioritize Your Privacy: Understanding your privacy rights is crucial. Use VPN tools alongside Tor to keep your online activities secure.
  • Learn PGP Encryption: Understanding how PGP works, including decryption, encryption, verification, and signing, is vital for secure OPSEC.
  • Read Vendor Terms: Always read the vendor's terms and conditions, including past sales, trusted status, online status, feedback, experience, and vendor level. PM vendors about your expectations before making a purchase.
  • Learn about XMR (Monero): Understand how to safely use, buy, and store Monero (XMR), and how to conduct transactions anonymously.
  • Start Small: If you’re new, consider making smaller purchases at first. This approach allows you to familiarize yourself with the process without a significant commitment.
  • Be Cautious: If vendors ask you to contact them for a direct deal, there's a 99% chance you could get scammed. Don't trust third-party communication; your payments are safe with our escrow system until finalized. When purchasing from new vendors, always check their shipping methods and ensure they provide tracking. Start with smaller amounts for your initial purchases with new vendors.

Take the time to learn about your online privacy and conduct thorough research. The Tor network can be a valuable space, but always prioritize your safety and security. We will update our guides and tutorials soon to make everything understandable for even new users. Until then, if anyone has questions, they can open a support ticket with us, and we’ll be glad to help educate them on OPSEC, PGP, and XMR.

15. How do you address concerns around exit scams and market trustworthiness?
Concerns about exit scams in the darknet marketplace are real. Recently, a babybottle user made a FUD post about CannaExpress on Dread, suggesting we might be following an old marketplace script. Fortunately, the Dread team removed that post right away. Hugbunter also mentioned, “Every market is expected to exit scam,” in that post, and I completely agree with him.

Here's how we handle trust at CannaExpress:

  • Transparent Profit Distribution: From our 5% commission on sales, I take only 50%. We allocate 20% towards charity, which is shown on our "About Us" page. Once we collect a significant amount, we will distribute it through charity and add payment proofs publicly, sharing that on Dread and our forums. This means all the vendors contribute 1% from their sales to charity and donations, and they always have the right to question about it if the charity funds are missing or not happening. The remaining 30% goes to our admin team. This setup ensures that we care about the community, not just profits.
  • Walletless System: We don’t use an internal wallet. Instead, buyers pay directly for their products through an invoiced-based system. Payments are automatically finalized after 5 days, but buyers can extend this up to 14 days or open disputes if needed. Once the order is finalized, the payment goes straight to the vendor's wallet or, in the case of a refund, to the buyer's wallet, with transaction proof shown on the invoice at the same time the action occurs. This system reduces the risk of exit scams since there’s no central pool of funds to run away with.
  • Commitment to the Community: As a stoner, farmer, and developer, I care deeply about the cannabis community. If I were planning an exit scam, I would have implemented a wallet system and built a more traditional drug marketplace. Instead, my focus is on creating a safe, reliable environment for cannabis enthusiasts.

In summary, we emphasize transparency, community involvement, and safety to build trust. We aim to be a trustworthy alternative in a space where many others have failed.

16. How often do you audit the market for security vulnerabilities, and how quickly do you respond to threats?
At CannaExpress, our security system is based on both frontend and backend services, with both implemented using a Web Application Firewall (WAF). This setup makes it easier to monitor audits through error logs. I personally monitor these logs regularly and work to fix any errors as soon as possible.

  • WAF and Continuous Monitoring: The WAF we use on both frontend and backend helps us track potential threats and vulnerabilities. I’m always on top of error logs, educating myself and fixing issues as they arise, ensuring any problem is handled swiftly.
  • Regular Updates: I keep a close eye on the packages, languages, frameworks, operating systems, and servers we use. Whenever there's an update, I make sure to apply it right away. This proactive approach significantly helps mitigate vulnerabilities, keeping our system secure and up to date.
  • Bug Bounty Program: If you remember, you guys even found a bug, and I fixed it immediately. To support this, we have a bug bounty program where we allocate 3% of our profits to bounty hunters under our charity and donation fund. I believe this system benefits both me and the bounty hunters, as it keeps the platform safe while rewarding those who help identify issues.

This combination of continuous monitoring, fast response to updates, and incentivizing community involvement ensures that CannaExpress remains a secure and trustworthy platform.

17. What is your policy on law enforcement infiltration, and how do you stay ahead of such risks?
When it comes to law enforcement, I have no disrespect for them. Like I said, they're simply doing their job. Yes, I’m breaking the law because selling cannabis without a license is illegal. The government wants their taxes, and since we’re operating outside of that system, they see it as criminal. From their point of view, I may be categorized as a criminal, but in my point of view, I don't see myself as a criminal.

At the end of the day, my main goal is to help protect cannabis users from being exposed to more dangerous substances like fentanyl and meth. While it may not have a massive impact globally, I believe it's making a real difference in the community. It’s about harm reduction, and I stand by that.

Let’s be real: even when governments collect taxes, those funds are typically meant to benefit society. In a way, my charity program is doing something similar. Check my footer; I included Tupac Shakur's quote in the CannaExpress footer. I truly believe that one day, governments will come together and create a global tax system for cannabis enthusiasts.

As for law enforcement, I acknowledge that I’m not following all the rules, so I take every precaution to stay ahead. We're using Monero (XMR) for payments, which is highly secure and anonymous. We don’t store sensitive data as raw information; it’s encrypted. Conversations are deleted every 3 months, and we're running Tor over Tor, which, while it can cause some performance issues like slower loading and circuit breaks, definitely adds an extra layer of security. We have an endgame to handle DDoS attacks and regularly monitor the system for vulnerabilities, which I believe truly helps.

At the end of the day, I know that I’m not playing by the rulebook, and things could go wrong. But it is what it is; I’ll keep trying my best to keep CannaExpress safe for the community.

18. How do you deal with marketplaces or forums spreading misinformation or negative reviews about your platform?
When it comes to dealing with misinformation or negative reviews on forums or other marketplaces, we have a straightforward approach. First off, I know that being in this space, it's inevitable that people will try to spread FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt), especially when you're trying to do something different. Like I said before, recently there was a FUD post on Dread by a babybottle account about CannaExpress, suggesting we were using old marketplace scripts. Luckily, the Dread team removed that post right away because it wasn’t grounded in facts. We don’t engage in arguments or back-and-forth with these posts. Instead, we focus on transparency and let our actions speak for themselves.

When someone posts misinformation or false claims, we counter it with truth and facts. Without taking those claims personally, we will try to fix those issues. For example, if someone claims we’re not trustworthy, we point them to our transparent profit-sharing model, the walletless system we use, and our charity efforts. We also encourage vendors and buyers who have had positive experiences with us to share their honest reviews. Word-of-mouth from real users goes a long way in shutting down misinformation.

Ultimately, we stay focused on creating a safe environment for our users and providing exceptional service. If someone spreads negativity, we remain calm, responsive, and committed to the community. Instead of engaging in petty arguments, we prioritize real solutions and ensure that everyone involved in CannaExpress is well taken care of.

19. Can you discuss any future plans for CannaExpress or features you're looking to implement?
I'm excited to share some of our future plans for CannaExpress. As we've been evolving, we’re focused on enhancing user experience and expanding our offerings. Here are some features and initiatives we’re working on:

  • Clearnet Site Launch: We’re currently developing a clearnet site that will serve as a companion to our darknet marketplace. This site will provide users with guides, links, and valuable resources, making it easier for newcomers to navigate the platform.
  • User Tutorials and Guides: To assist users further, we plan to create comprehensive tutorials covering everything from using PGP and Monero to ensuring online security. We want to make sure our users feel empowered and informed.
  • Increased Charity Efforts: We aim to ramp up our charitable contributions. As mentioned before, we're committed to donating a portion of our profits to support community initiatives. In the near future, we will publicly showcase our charity donations and how they positively impact our community.
  • Improved User Interface: We're working on enhancing the overall user interface and experience to make navigating CannaExpress even more intuitive and user-friendly. This will include improved design and functionality, making it easier for users to find what they need.
  • Expanding Product Range: As we grow, we aim to expand our range of products to cater to a wider audience, including various cannabis-related products. We're also looking into collaborations with other trusted vendors to bring more options to our marketplace.
  • Community Engagement: We want to strengthen our community engagement by hosting events, forums, and discussions that allow users to connect and share experiences. This could lead to more collaborative initiatives and a sense of camaraderie among users.

Overall, our vision is to create a safe and reliable space for cannabis enthusiasts while contributing positively to the community. We’re excited about these developments and look forward to sharing them with our users in the coming months.

20. How do you see the future of darknet cannabis markets evolving in response to increased legalization and regulatory scrutiny?
I believe that while legalization is progressing in many parts of the world, it's often limited to consumption and doesn't always extend to the sale of cannabis. Even when sales are legalized, obtaining a license can be costly, and the associated taxes can be quite high. It will likely take some time, perhaps another 10 years, for these taxes and legalization procedures to become standardized globally.

Legalization and selling are different matters. Even if cannabis becomes legal, the quality and variety of strains can vary significantly between regions. For example, California buds are renowned for being some of the best due to the state's unique climate, the love and care from farmers, and the specific fertilizers used, all of which affect the quality of the cannabis. These exceptional strains might not be readily available everywhere, even with legalization.

Cannabis-only marketplaces provide an avenue for enthusiasts to access a wider variety of high-quality products that may not be available locally or through legal channels. With these marketplaces, buyers have more options to choose from, helping them find the best cannabis products to suit their preferences.

Therefore, even as legalization advances and regulatory scrutiny increases, I believe there will always be a place for cannabis-only marketplaces. They offer access to unique and premium strains that might not be obtainable through legal means, especially in regions where legalization is limited or heavily regulated. These marketplaces fill a niche for those seeking variety and quality that may not be accessible otherwise.

In summary, while the landscape of cannabis legality is evolving, the demand for diverse, high-quality cannabis products remains. Cannabis-only marketplaces will continue to play a role in meeting this demand, adapting alongside legal developments to serve the community of cannabis enthusiasts worldwide.