Darknet Luminaries Orchestrate Historical Market Bailout, Merger

Darknet Luminaries Orchestrate Historical Market Bailout, Merger

Written by F12

Subjectively speaking, the darknet marketplace (DNM) landscape feels a bit
barren compared to its past days o' glory. As far back as 2015, there was always a
healthy selection of shops. BMR, Alphabay, Redson, Dream, Tchka, Apple, TradeRoute, Hansa, Silkkite, were just some of the names to choose from. Enough so that one could easily find a favorite and a suitable backup.

Alas, ten years can fly by. And just as quickly as time seemingly evaporates, so does the unmitigated freedoms of a "Wild West" (as my friend, Roach, would say).

This isn't to say that entry restrictions and a particular imbalance of
RICO:Suave ratio became reality without merit. No, sir! Many unscrupulous
individuals, unmerry men (ahem, "Admen") have stuck their crooked
carrots in the ol' kool-aid cup far too often!

So, outside of requiring everyone to put on condoms first thing in the
morning after stepping out of the shower, it became natural for
prospective newcomers to face more critical examination and longer review
periods before being fully accepted into the trusted circle.

For this reason alone, the Tor user community was understandably
blindsided when they caught wind of the tumultuous conclusion to this
Spring's events. A once promising and growing enterprise, tabbed to be a
long-standing, future forerunner, SuperMarket was thrust headlong into the
throes of disorder. And all in one fell swoop!

The New Kid on the Block's momentum came to a screeching halt when it was
revealed that Co-Administrator and Founding Partner, FatherBear- not to be confused with the Aspirin Priest FatherBayer, of course- had
absconded with user and employee funds.

Such chaos signaled the inevitable death knell, foreshadowing another
black eye on an already reeling darknet community.

Enter deep web celebrities Paris and Hugbunter (both of Dread fame).
Together, with veteran stakeholders and executive DrugHub staff, this
ragtag band of cyber mercenaries set to task with force... to save the
community from bearing the brunt of another burden.

The constituents waited with bated breath as speculation ran wild until,
finally, news emerged of this historic first! Word began to spread like
wildfire of an unprecedented solution, the first of its kind... and we now
have the details:

MARKET MERGER - What It Means & Who It Impacts
The particulars proceed as follows:

β€’ The site will temporarily redirect to a PSA advising those affected of
the emergency resolution and steps to follow.

Hugbunter agrees to undertake the technical provisioning of the
transition to new ownership, namely a safe delivery of Onion keys, et

β€’ Requisite redaction and removal of sensitive SuperMarket data and
database redaction confirmed.

β€’ DrugHub assumes all responsibility for impacted patrons of SuperMarket
and, as such, control over the user base.

β€’ Full restitution to all impacted persons registered on the platform, in

Community Optimism

Restored funds? Even the slightest semblance of transparency in the
process would have offered the necessary glimmer of optimism.

For those accustomed to being taken advantage of by greedy admins, the
concept of a darknet authority not only concerned with getting their paws
in the honey jar was almost hard to digest! Although patience was required
as DrugHub tirelessly worked to integrate a foreign marketplace, the users
understood and instead stood reaffirmed in unity and with a sense of

The commendable resolve and display of selflessness demonstrate a
commitment to not only preserving a niche demographic but also one of
personal trust.

Now, come on, baby! ...just the tip?