Archetyp Market Enhances Security Protocols

Archetyp Market Enhances Security Protocols

In a significant move to tighten user security,  Archetyp  market has announced new requirements for user sign-ups .The admin (ASNT) wrote “ Effective immediately, new users must provide a valid PGP Public Key to register. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2-FA) will be enabled by default for all new accounts created after this announcement.”

Existing users can continue to access the market without PGP or 2-FA, but the market strongly encourages everyone to adopt these security measures. "Learning how to use PGP is not hard; it's rather simple and will greatly improve your security in multiple ways," the announcement states.

The introduction of mandatory 2-FA is a significant step forward in protecting users from phishing attacks. "With 2-FA enabled, you can browse any onion site, even a phishing proxy, and log in safely. The 2-FA will protect you and redirect you to a valid mirror of ours. We are the first market to implement this method, and since its introduction, not a single user with 2-FA enabled has been phished," the statement boasts.

The market also addressed concerns about data security in the event of a bust. The admin wrote, speaking of the latest bust of the incognito admin  "If we were to be compromised like Incocknito, we cannot hold you at ransom. Encrypt your data yourself with the vendor's key to ensure that only you and the vendor have access to your information. This provides peace of mind, as you know your data is secure."

As the largest and longest-running market, the platform acknowledges the ongoing threat from law enforcement. "The police actively try to take this market down, and we have the biggest crosshair on our back of all markets. While we do not plan on getting busted, encrypting your data yourself ensures you don't have to worry about it."

For those new to PGP, the market directs users to the DNMBible for comprehensive guidance: DNMBible PGP Guide.

A crucial reminder accompanies this advice: "Never lose your Private PGP Key. If you lose it and have 2-FA enabled, you will lose access to your account. Make a backup if possible."

This move show’s the market's commitment to enhancing user security amidst growing threats and underscores the importance of individual responsibility in maintaining data protection.