Sodinokibi/REvil Affiliate Sentenced To 13 Years

Sodinokibi/REvil Affiliate Sentenced To 13 Years

a Ukrainian national, Yaroslav Vasinskyi, has been handed a substantial sentence of 13 years and seven months in prison. This ruling comes with a restitution order requiring Vasinskyi to pay over $16 million for his pivotal role in orchestrating more than 2,500 ransomware attacks, demanding an astounding $700 million in ransom payments.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland highlighted the collaboration with global partners in pursuing cybercriminals. “This sentencing underscores our commitment to holding cyber offenders accountable for their actions,” stated Garland.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco emphasized the broader reach of the Justice Department in apprehending cyber offenders like Vasinskyi, who utilized the REvil ransomware variant to extort substantial sums from American victims. Monaco stressed the importance of international cooperation in disrupting the cybercrime network.

FBI Director Christopher Wray acknowledged the collaboration with global partners, ensuring that cybercriminals face consequences regardless of their location. Wray reaffirmed the FBI’s commitment to pursuing individuals like Vasinskyi and dismantling their criminal operations.

Vasinskyi, also known as Rabotnik, spearheaded thousands of ransomware attacks using the Sodinokibi/REvil variant, encrypting data on victim computers to demand ransom payments. To obscure their gains, Vasinskyi and his associates used cryptocurrency exchanges and mixing services. Additionally, they resorted to publicly exposing victims’ data to coerce payment when ransom demands were unmet.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri denounced Vasinskyi’s actions, highlighting the malicious intent behind the attacks and the exorbitant ransom demands. Argentieri affirmed the Justice Department’s determination to pursue ransomware actors.

U.S. Attorney Leigha Simonton underscored law enforcement’s readiness to dismantle cybercriminal enterprises targeting U.S. companies. Simonton warned ransomware actors that law enforcement would pursue them relentlessly, as demonstrated by Vasinskyi’s apprehension.

Vasinskyi, who pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including conspiracy to commit fraud and damage to protected computers, was extradited from Poland to face justice in the United States.

Additionally, the Department finalized the forfeiture of millions of dollars’ worth of ransom payments, further crippling the criminal network responsible for these attacks. The FBI spearheaded the investigation, with dedicated prosecutors and agents ensuring Vasinskyi’s prosecution.

The collaborative efforts between the Justice Department and international authorities exemplify the global response to cybercrime. The extradition of Vasinskyi underscores the resolve to hold cyber offenders accountable regardless of borders.